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Avatar The Legend of Korra Season 1 - Air 720p [Extremlym] (Size: 1.11 GB)
DescriptionNEW AUDIO IMPRUFEMENT ____________________________________________________ Episode List: Season 1 ____________________________________________________ 'Welcome to Republic City' April 14, 2012 Korra, the new Avatar, is discovered living in the Southern Water Tribe. She is able to master Firebending, Earthbending and Waterbending easily. After being guarded by the White Lotus for many years, it is time for Korra to learn Airbending with Tenzin, Aang's youngest child. He serves as a member of the United Republic Council. After much arguing, Korra convinces Katara and Tenzin she should live in Republic City, on Air Temple Island, while she trains. During a visit to the city, she is nearly arrested by Chief Lin Beifong after saving shop owners from an attack by the Triple Threat Triad, a mafia-like group. She also discovers the existence of a rebel faction known as the Equalists who follow Amon, their leader, in the belief that Benders must be abolished. ____________________________________________________ 'A Leaf in the Wind' April 14, 2012 Korra's attempts at Airbending are not going well and Tenzin is keeping a tight rein on the Avatar. Frustrated, she escapes to the city and winds up watching a Pro-bending match at the arena. She meets brothers Bolin and Mako, of the Fire Ferrets. Bolin is quick to be friendly, but Mako is moody, until they discover she's the Avatar. The next night Korra returns to watch the match, but when one of the team members quits, she dons the uniform of a Fire Ferret. Tenzin discovers her deception, but after watching her finally use some Airbending moves in the arena, he decides perhaps Pro-bending isn't so bad after all. ____________________________________________________ 'The Revelation' April 21, 2012 While the Fire Ferrets are training, the Pro-bending arena owner arrives to pay Mako and Bolin their winnings, but winds up taking all their money for various expenses. Worried about paying the tournament fees, Mako takes a job at the power plant, but Bolin signs up with the Triple Threat Triad for some possibly criminal work. When Bolin goes missing, Korra and Mako track him to Amon's Revelation, where the Equalist leader tells his story of how a Firebender killed his family and burned his face. Then Amon proceeds to take away the Firebending power of Lightning Bolt Zolt, the head of the Triple Threat Triads. Korra and Mako save Bolin just in time, before Amon can take away his Bending power. ____________________________________________________ 'The Voice in the Night' April 28, 2012 The episode opens with Korra waking from a nightmare in which Amon invades Air Temple Island. She does not, however, to admit to Tenzin that she is afraid of Amon. When Councilman Tarrlok proposes a special task force, headed by the Avatar, to fight Amon and his forces, both Tenzin and Korra refuse to join him. Tarrlok lavishes Korra with gifts to no avail. Finally, during a press conference, Korra folds to pressure from the press and joins Tarrlok's task force. Meanwhile, Mako is nearly run over by a girl on her motorcycle. They take a liking to each other and agree to a date. On the date, Mako discovers she is Asami Sato, the daughter of the very wealthy businessman Hiroshi Sato. She convinces her father to pay for the Fire Ferrets' tournament fees. Back with Korra, the Avatar is high on the success of the task force's raids and challenges Amon to a fight on Aang Memorial Island. But Amon does not come alone. When Korra is trapped, he tells her that he will not take her powers now, but will save her for last. Korra falls unconscious and awakes to Tenzin coming for her. Finally, she admits her fear to Tenzin, who says it is the first step to overcoming it. ____________________________________________________ 'The Spirit of Competition' May 5, 2012 Romance heats up in this episode. During a training session for the upcoming tournament, Asami visits Mako and makes Korra jealous. Later, Bolin talks to Mako about Korra and Korra talks to Tenzin's wife, Pema, about Mako. After winning their match, Korra admits her feelings to Mako, but he turns her down saying he doesn't have romantic feelings for her and that he is with Asami. When Bolin asks Korra out, she agrees, looking for some fun, though Bolin is looking for romance. At the end of the date, Mako confronts Korra and she accuses him of being jealous. During their next match, Mako and Korra can't focus because of their fight, so Bolin winds up winning the match. But when he discovers Korra and Mako kissing, he falls apart. At the next match, the team is a mess. Finally, the brothers are knocked off and watch Korra win the round for them. The team members forgive each other in order to focus on Pro-bending. ____________________________________________________ 'And the Winner is..' May 12, 2012 During practice for the upcoming Pro-bending tournament, Korra, Mako and Bolin hear Amon announce on the radio that if the tournament continues, he and the Equalists will attack the arena. The Fire Ferrets visit the Council and demand that the tournament continue as planned, but Tenzin and Tarrlok agree it should be cancelled to protect the lives of innocent people. However, Chief Lin Beifong arrives and promises to heighten security because she does not want Benders to give in to Amon. Reluctantly, the Council agrees and Tenzin pledges to be at the tournament, as well. After Lin leaves in a huff, Korra asks why the Chief dislikes her, but from Tenzin's attitude she realizes they used to be a couple. At the tournament, the Wolfbats have paid off the referee and the game isn't going well for the Fire Ferrets. But Amon and his Equalists attack the arena, even taking away the Bending powers of the Wolfbats' leader, Tahno. Beifong and Korra attempt to stop Amon from getting away, but when Korra falls from the rooftop, Beifong saves her rather than go after Amon. ____________________________________________________ 'The Aftermath' May 19, 2012 After Amon's attack, the Pro-bending arena is closed down, forcing Mako and Bolin to find shelter elsewhere. Though Korra offers for them to live on Air Temple Island, they take up temporary residence with Asami at the Sato mansion. During a visit to the mansion, Korra overhears Hiroshi on the phone and deduces that he is an Equalist. After a search of his factories turns up nothing, Chief Lin Beifong, Tenzin and Korra get a tip from one of his workers that there is a secret factory under Sato's mansion full of Equalist weapons. The three raid Sato's mansion, angering Asami and Mako, who believe in Hiroshi's innocence. However, when Chief Lin Beifong finds the hidden factory, it's a trap. Tenzin, Beifong and Korra are defeated by Sato and his machines. Mako, Bolin and Asami arrive just in time to save them. Korra, again, invites Mako and Bolin to live on Air Temple Island, along with Asami. Chief Lin Beifong vows to rescue her Metalbending officers from Amon, even if she must quit her job with the force. ____________________________________________________ 'When Extremes Meet' June 2, 2012 Mako, Asami and Bolin are all set to move to Air Temple Island. On the way to Asami's room, Ikki lets slip that Korra likes Mako, making for an awkward moment. Luckily Tenzin arrives to take Korra to the ceremony to swear in the new police chief, Saikhan. When it becomes obvious he is under Tarrlok's thumb, Korra announces she will have no part of Tarrlok's task force. Tarrlok fires back that she's not as talented as she thinks. Back on the island, Mako, Bolin and Asami find Korra crying about how she has failed at Airbending. But the friends rally her. The four take to Republic City to patrol and discover Tarrlok has issued an arrest for any Non-benders out past curfew, labeling them all as Equalists. When Korra and her friends fight Tarrlok, he arrests Mako, Bolin and Asami. Korra visits Tarrlok to get her friends out of jail, but winds up fighting with him. However, he's a Bloodbender and quickly disables her and sends her away, tied up in the back of a truck. ____________________________________________________ 'Out of the Past' June 9, 2012 Tarrlok leaves Korra imprisoned in a metal box in the basement of a distant house. Back in Republic City, he tells the police and Tenzin false tales of an Equalist attack. Meanwhile, Lin Beifong frees Mako, Bolin and Asami from prison. While they search for her, Korra begins to meditate and discovers that Tarrlok is the son of Yakone, a criminal whom Aang took Bending from when he used Bloodbending without a full moon. As Team Avatar, Tenzin and Lin search underground Equalist facilities for Korra, Asami and Mako fight over his feelings for Korra. When they realize Korra isn't being held by the Equalists, Tenzin deduces Tarrlok lied and took her himself. They race back to City Hall where they meet Chief Saikhan. They accuse Tarrlok who responds by Bloodbending and running away. He returns to his hideaway, ready to end Korra, when Amon and his forces attack. Korra barely escapes. Naga finds her and they begin their way back home. ____________________________________________________ 'Turning the Tides' June 16, 2012 Korra is back on Air Temple Island. Tenzin readies to leave for a Council meeting, but asks Lin Beifong to stay and guard his family. When Council members are being kidnapped, Team Avatar races to Republic City, just in time to save Tenzin from a group of Chi Blockers. But then they spy an airship heading straight for Air Temple Island. Lin holds off the Equalists with the help of Tenzin's children, Jinora, Ikki, Meelo, while his wife, Pema, gives birth to their son Rohan. Tenzin instructs everyone to flee and return to fight another day. Team Avatar takes to Republic City, but Tenzin and his young family fly off on Oogi. When the Equalist air ships get too close, Lin Beifong sacrifices herself, and her Bending, to keep the last Airbenders safe. ____________________________________________________ Uploader: Extremlym Kartoon's Torrent ____________________________________________________ Year: 2012 Original Source: TV Source Of Download: www.extremlym.roll.tv ____________________________________________________ Enjoy ! And Seed ! ____________________________________________________ Related Torrents
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