Download Timeline Template Omnigraffle

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  1. Omnigraffle Timeline Template Download
  2. Timeline Template Excel

If you download OmniGraffle either from our website or the. OmniGraffle UX Template. Download the template. Original urlgreyhot OmniGraffle Web Design Template. Timeline templates; Gantt chart templates; Tutorials Office Timeline - How to videos; How to make timelines. Free Download Plus Edition Buy. Download Office Timeline Stand out. Impress your audience. Try Free Buy Now. 9 out of 10 rating for Office Timeline (2687 reviews) Thanks for downloading Office Timeline!

Click here to download a free timeline template in PowerPoint. How to Make a Timeline in PowerPoint. With SmartArt Graphics.

Timelines in OmniGraffle

Earlier this week, I needed to create timeline graphics for my What's new in AppFuse 2.0 presentation. I found a Timeline script for OmniGraffle and was able to create some pretty nifty images with it. Below are the two timelines I created, one for the History of AppFuse and one for The Future.

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Posted in Javaat Nov 29 2006, 03:03:55 AM MST 7 Comments

What's a good native Mac app for making timelines on Macs? I'm looking for an easy-to-use program that I can use to create timelines easily without delving into graphics programs like Illustrator. (Which I can use, but would be quite time consuming.)

Download timeline template for excel

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7 Answers


Download tekken 5 iso highly compressed for pc. Revised because of edited question..

OmniPlan can create very nice looking Gantt charts and timelines out of project plan data. It is a full-on project planning tool, which might be overkill. But the output is quite lovely.

Ian C.Ian C.
Download Timeline Template Omnigraffle

Merlin is a fairly user-friendly tool for making Gantt charts. It's commercial software, so it is going to set you back. The interface is a clean 'Mac' interface.

OpenProj is another possibility, and it is free.


Bee Docs Timelines might suit your needs. The marketing is towards the 3D functionality, but I've had good results generating 2D timelines. Doesn't do Gantt charts, though.

Omnigraffle Timeline Template Download

Lorin HochsteinLorin Hochstein

Timeline Template Excel

I've been looking for a replacement for MS Project for a long time. I haven't found an acceptable native app on the Mac that works well enough and opens/saves Microsoft Project files. The best i've found up to now is Gantter, which is web based and integrates with Google Docs. Surprisingly good.

For serious Gantt charts, nothing beats Microsoft Project, so i often end up running that in a virtual machine (Parallels) on my Mac. Oh the pain!


Project Libre is the closest to MS Project. Actually nothing is really close to MS Project. But as a MS Project user, I find Project Libre file compatible and quick to use.

Dak KolDak Kol

I've been using TikiToki for a while and it is good for graphical timelines. It has a Web App and desktop app. There's a trial here. And the web app is here:

Another option is Aeon Timeline which I have used the demo of and found good but haven't purchased yet.

votes … used by Oracle, Twitter, Sony. LeProf


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