The 4chan Serial Killer

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  1. Read about famous serial killers from the past and present, see which murderers were denied parole, and express your thoughts on their crimes.
  2. Oct 10, 2012 - When aspiring director Michael Gallagher decided to use 4chan as the inspiration for the villain in his new horror movie, did he really expect.

‘4chan Killer’ Shares. David Kalac is said to have posted pictures of the girlfriend that he strangled to death on popular online forum 4chan prior to.

In June, one month after he was given a suspended prison term for being a scout for a prostitution ring, Takahiro Shiraishi told his father that he saw no meaning in life.

Jobless, the 27-year-old cocooned himself further in the dark recesses of social media. He used Twitter, a medium he once used to lure girls into the sex trade, to meet people with suicidal thoughts.

The gruesome Halloween find of nine human heads and 240 bones in his studio apartment in Zama city, an hour and a half from central Tokyo, has spooked Japan and again shone a light on suicide and mental health issues in a country that even has a 'suicide forest'.

Japan has the sixth highest suicide rate in the world. Some 21,897 killed themselves last year - a 22-year low, while there were 257 reports filed with the Internet Hotline Centre about suicide attempts.

Shiraishi grew up in Zama with his parents and a younger sister in a house roughly 2.5km from his loft apartment.

He was a quiet, inconspicuous boy who went to local elementary and junior high schools in the city, acquaintances told Japanese media.

His grades were not stellar, but he was a conscientious student who did not miss a day of school. News pictures show a scrawny teenager with thin-rimmed spectacles who joined his junior high's baseball team as a freshman, and then the track team as a senior.

He went on to study at the prefectural high school in the city of Yokohamaand it was around this time that things fell apart at home. His parents divorced, and his mother and sister moved out.

After graduating from senior high, Shiraishi took on a series of odd jobs - including at a supermarket, food factory and pachinko parlour - before becoming a scout for a prostitution ring.

  • Shocking murders in Japan


    In July last year, the Hitler-influenced Satoshi Uematsu, then 26, went on a stabbing rampage at a home for the disabled in Sagamihara, north of Tokyo.

    The attack left 19 dead and 26 others injured in what was the bloodiest crime in post-war Japan.

    Uematsu, who was sacked by the facility for his radical thoughts, had said he wanted to 'cleanse society of imperfection' - even writing to the Cabinet Office about his ideologies at one point. He remains unrepentant about his crime.


    In 2008, Tomohuro Kato, then 26, killed seven and injured 10 others at popular electronics belt Akihabara by ramming his truck into the crowd and then alighting and going on a stabbing spree.

    Download firmware blackberry 8520. Mired in poverty and sacked from his temporary job, he was filled with pent-up anger.

    'I'm lower than trash because at least the trash gets recycled,' he wrote on an Internet bulletin board, where he gave blow-by-blow updates of his attack.


    Osaka police arrested Hiroshi Maeue, then 38, in August 2005 for murdering three people whom he had lured on a suicide website.

    Maeue, who has been sentenced to death, had agreed to die by suffocation jointly with a 25-year-old woman by burning coal briquettes in a vehicle. He ended up strangling her in the car, and then disposing of her body.

    He also killed a 14-year-old male junior high school student and a 21-year-old male undergraduate that same year.

    Walter Sim

He was active in Shinjuku's seedy Kabukicho district, and was once described as an 'ambitious, dangerous man who is capable of betrayal'.

One woman, who cohabited with him for three months earlier this year, said Shiraishi was 'unusually more gentle than ordinary people' despite a morbid fascination with death and suicide.

He had sent her messages such as 'Let's commit suicide together', and once texted 'I have killed a hostess who said she wanted to die', which the former girlfriend dismissed as a joke.

Shiraishi was close to his father, who works at an automotive design workshop, neighbours said. The son frequently helped out at the workshop, and occasionally had dinner and drinks with his father.

The 4chan Serial Killer

In August, he confessed to his father that he had met the love of his life and would urgently like to have his own space. His father acted as guarantor for an apartment in the neighbourhood that rents for 19,000 yen ($227) a month.

On Aug 22, Shiraishi moved into the 13.5 sq m apartment which Japanese media has described as the 'house of horrors'.

While living on his own, Shiraishi built up a small following on Twitter through at least two accounts - 'I want to die' and 'A professional at hanging'.

Under the first account, he cast himself as a forlorn victim seeking company for his misery. 'I want to forget everything,' he wrote in an Aug 25 post. 'I want to disappear.'

Under the second account, he took on the persona of someone who is skilled at helping people die. 'I want to spread my knowledge in hanging,' he said. 'I really want to become the source of strength for everyone who is in pain.'

'If you are at a dead end, please consult me,' he wrote.

He also sought out his victims using the hashtag 'suicide recruitment' on Twitter, preying on young girls who wanted to take their own lives. He told them via direct messaging on Twitter: 'Let's die together.'

To ensure his victims would not back out at the last minute, he would arrange to meet them at a train station near their homes, then travel together to his apartment.

He said he gave them alcohol, tranquilisers and sleeping pills 'to make them relax', before assaulting them.


    Samaritans Of Singapore 1800-221-4444

    Singapore Association For Mental Health 1800-283-7019

    Institute Of Mental Health's Mental Health Helpline 6389-2222

    Care Corner Counselling Centre (Mandarin) 1800-353-5800

    Silver Ribbon 6386-1928

    Tinkle Friend 1800-274-4788

He confessed to killing one person in August, four in September and four in October - mostly on the same day he met them. Eight of the nine victims were women, mainly in their late teens to early 20s.

'It was difficult at first. It took me three days to get rid of the first body, but after that I could deal with them within one day,' Shiraishi told the police.


It was difficult at first. It took me three days to get rid of the first body, but after that, I could deal with them within one day.

The 4chan Serial Killer Caught

TAKAHIRO SHIRAISHI, speaking to the police.

He said his motives had been sex and money. He is alleged to have choked his victims - whose real names and ages he did not know - until they passed out, before sexually assaulting some of them.

'There is no doubt that I sliced up the bodies in my bathroom with the intention of destroying evidence,' he said.

Police have recovered two kitchen knives, scissors, a saw, binding rope and a gimlet, all with traces of blood on them.

Shiraishi said: 'I disposed of their flesh and internal organs like garbage, but kept their bones out of fear that I would be caught.'

Police also found three cooler boxes and five large storage boxes in his apartment. They checked the eight boxes and found body parts, including heads, legs and arms, in seven of the boxes.

He reportedly used cat litter to cover the body parts to mask the smell.

His neighbours in the two-storey, 12-unit apartment block said they had neither seen nor heard anything amiss, despite complaints of a persistent 'pungent smell' emanating from his apartment.

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One of them pointed out that it was strange that his bathroom ventilation fan was kept on at all times.

Shiraishi even brazenly used the neighbourhood garbage collection point to dispose of the evidence. A neighbour has noted - in hindsight - his frequent trips to the chute.

It was the online trail he left on social media which eventually led the police to his doorstep.

The brother of his ninth and final victim - a 23-year-old woman from the Tokyo suburb of Hachioji - hacked into her Twitter account, and was offered help by a woman who had met Shiraishi before.

She agreed to be the bait to lure Shiraishi out for the police, who then followed him home on Oct 30.

When asked if he knew where the missing 23-year-old woman was, he pointed at a chiller box near the entrance and said: 'In there.'

Posted by3 years ago

/b/ 4chan alleged 'serial killer'

Found out about this a couple of days ago and I'm still in the middle about if its a hoax, or is this real. 4chan /b/ board isn't exactly the kinda place to be taken seriously, but it never hurts to see if this is valid.

Alleged serial killer last posted on 9/22/15 he says he'll be posting again with more pictures?

The 4 Chain Serial Killer

we know that one of the victims that he posted about is 'Shauna Maynard' the other women, and the man have yet to be identified, but some people on 4chan think its the killer himself. I don't think so. Here's what one theory that I'm leaning towards, and of course this is speculation.. It's quite possible that this is real, and none of the women minus Shauna have been reported missing, because they're into prostitution. because he did say he did this for fun} I don't know lol but that would be the only explanation for why their's a guy that he killed.

Here's the reason why I think that maybe Shauna, and the other girl were prostituting.. Prostitutes back in the 1980s and 1990's were usually teenage runaways. Shauna was said to have been a run away from California she was also 17 she was found dead in vegas. Vegas is big into prostitution, especially back in the 1980's 90s. Also there were a lot of things about Shauna that remained a mystery. here's an article that I found about Shauna --->

The 4chan Serial Killer Video

Also does anyone notice that in the picture of who we think is Shauna when she was dead, she had an old pager clipped to her waste? that's another indication that she was maybe prostituting. You didn't have high tech cell phones back in the 80's/90's so you used pagers to connect. You also have to take into account how she was dressed. Short skirt, top showing off a lot etc..

I lightened the picture up a little bit. so people can see the pager a little bit more clear.. Link to picture ----->>

since Shauna was identified maybe we can help identify the other people that this person allegedly killed. The people that we can clearly identify anyway.. unidentified male. Brief description white or hispanic. 30 - 35 yrs old. wearing a gold necklace. unidentified Woman. either African American, or Hispanic. She looks to be in her early teens maybe even early 20's.

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